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Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) In Trail Procedures(ITP).pdf31页

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  • 上传作者:航空
  • 上传时间:2017-08-26
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Automatic Dependent Surveillance ?C Broadcast (ADS-B)( ) In Trail Procedures(ITP) AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations ConferenceOperations Conference, Indianapolis, IN September 17-19, 2012September 17 19, 2012 Rick Berckefeldt Surveillance Programs Manager Advanced TechnologyAdvanced Technology Honeywell.com ADS-B In Trail Procedure Avionics ? Honeywell has developed, integrated, and certified a complete ITP avionics system STC’d on United Airlines 747-400s. ? The system consists of the TPA-100B Traffic Computer with ADS-B In and ITP capability, TRA 67A Transponders with ADS-B Out, and a Goodrich Class 3 SmartDisplay? EFB running Honeywell SmartTraffic? ITP display software. First Officer EFB ADS-B ITP Enabled Climbs Optimal 2 Copyright ? Honeywell 2012 Sub-Optimal Cruise
飞行翻译公司 www.aviation.cn
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