
787机组训练手册Flight Crew Training Manual 787_split_3.pdf112页

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777/787 Flight Crew Training Manual

Bounced Landing Recovery
If the airplane should bounce, hold or re-establish a normal landing attitude and add thrust as necessary to control the rate of descent. Thrust need not be added for a shallow bounce or skip. When a high, hard bounce occurs, initiate a go-around. Apply go-around thrust and use normal go-around procedures. Do not retract the landing gear until a positive rate of climb is established because a second touchdown may occur during the go-around. Bounced landings can occur because higher than idle power is maintained through initial touchdown, disabling the automatic speedbrake deployment even when the speedbrakes are armed.

Rejected Landing
A rejected landing maneuver is trained and evaluated by some operators and regulatory agencies. Although the FCOM/QRH does not contain a procedure or maneuver titled Rejected Landing, the requirements of this maneuver can be accomplished by doing the Go-Around Procedure if it is initiated prior to touchdown. Refer to Chapter 5, Go-Around after Touchdown, for more information on this subject.

Normal Touchdown Attitude
The following figures illustrate the effect of airspeed on body attitude at touchdown. It shows airplane attitude at a normal touchdown speed for flaps 30 (VREF30 to VREF 30 - 5 knots). With proper airspeed control and thrust management, touchdown occurs at no less than VREF - 5. The illustration also shows that touchdown at a speed below normal touchdown speed, in this case VREF30 - 10 knots, seriously reduces aft fuselage-runway clearance.

Copyright © The Boeing Company. See title page for details.

October 31, 2006

FCT 777/787 Preliminary (TM)


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