ENR 1.2 VISUAL FLIGHT RULES 1. 1.1 1.1.1 FLIGHT RULES The Visual Flight Rules (VFR) VFR flight may only be conducted: a. in VMC; b. provided that,when operating at or below 2,000FT above the ground or water, the pilot is able to navigate by visual reference to the ground or water; c. at sub-sonic speeds; and d. in accordance with the speed restrictions identified at ENR 1.1, 79. Unless the pilot in command holds a Command Instrument Rating or night VFR (NGT VFR) rating and the aircraft is appropriately equipped for flight at night, a VFR flight must not depart from an aerodrome: a. before first light or after last light; and b. unless the ETA for the destination (or alternate) is at least 10 minutes before last light after allowing for any required holding. Special VFR By day, when VMC do not exist, the ATC unit responsible for a CTR may issue, at pilot request, a Special VFR clearance for flight in the CTR, or in a CTA next to the CTR for the purpose of entering or leaving the CTR, provided the Special VFR flight will not unduly delay an IFR flight. When operating under a Special VFR clearance, pilots are responsible for ensuring that: a. the flight is conducted clear of cloud; b. the visibility is not less than: (1) for aeroplanes, 3,000M; (2) for helicopters, 800M; or (3) for balloons, 100M below 500FT AGL and 3,000M at and above 500FT AGL; c. a helicopter is operated at such a speed that the pilot has adequate opportunity to observe any obstructions or other traffic in sufficient time to avoid a collision; and d. the flight is conducted in accordance with the requirements of CAR 157 with regard to low flying. A/L 45 effective 24 NOV 05
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飞行翻译公司 本文链接地址:1216.pdf
ENR 1.2 VISUAL FLIGHT RULES 1. 1.1 1.1.1 FLIGHT RULES The Visual Flight Rules (VFR) VFR flight may only be conducted: a. in VMC; b. provided that,when operating at or below 2,000FT above the ground or water, the pilot is able to navigate by visual reference to the ground or water; c. at sub-sonic speeds; and d. in accordance with the speed restrictions identified at ENR 1.1, 79. Unless the pilot in command holds a Command Instrument Rating or night VFR (NGT VFR) rating and the aircraft is appropriately equipped for flight at night, a VFR flight must not depart from an aerodrome: a. before first light or after last light; and b. unless the ETA for the destination (or alternate) is at least 10 minutes before last light after allowing for any required holding. Special VFR By day, when VMC do not exist, the ATC unit responsible for a CTR may issue, at pilot request, a Special VFR clearance for flight in the CTR, or in a CTA next to the CTR for the purpose of entering or leaving the CTR, provided the Special VFR flight will not unduly delay an IFR flight. When operating under a Special VFR clearance, pilots are responsible for ensuring that: a. the flight is conducted clear of cloud; b. the visibility is not less than: (1) for aeroplanes, 3,000M; (2) for helicopters, 800M; or (3) for balloons, 100M below 500FT AGL and 3,000M at and above 500FT AGL; c. a helicopter is operated at such a speed that the pilot has adequate opportunity to observe any obstructions or other traffic in sufficient time to avoid a collision; and d. the flight is conducted in accordance with the requirements of CAR 157 with regard to low flying. A/L 45 effective 24 NOV 05
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飞行翻译公司 本文链接地址:1216.pdf