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ENR 1.5 HOLDING, APPROACH AND DEPARTURE PROCEDURES 1. 1.1 HOLDING AND INSTRUMENT APPROACH TO LAND (IAL) PROCEDURES General The provisions of this IAL section apply to aircraft operating under the IFR, unless otherwise approved by the CASA. 1.2 1.2.1 Aircraft Performance Category The following categories, based upon Vat (except for CAT H), determine landing minima for aircraft: CAT: A B C D E H speeds up to 90KT IAS. speeds from 91KT to 120KT IAS. speeds from 121KT to 140KT IAS. speeds from 141KT to 165KT IAS. speeds from 166KT to 210KT IAS. (helicopters) see sub-section 1.3.

Note: Vat is the indicated airspeed at the threshold which is equal to the stalling speed Vso multiplied by 1.3 or the stalling speed Vs1g multiplied by 1.23. Both Vso and Vs1g apply to aircraft in the landing configuration at the maximum certificated landing weight. If both Vso and Vs1g are available for an aircraft, the higher resulting Vat must be used.
1.2.2 An aircraft must fit into and be operated in accordance with the requirements of only one category. An aircraft: a. may not reduce category because of reduced operating weight, but b. must increase category when actual handling speeds are in excess of those for category (based on Vat) detailed at sub-section 1.15. 1.2.3 Provided an aircraft can be operated within the limits of the handling speeds (detailed at Sub-section 1.15) for a lower category than the category determined by Vat, and subject to approval by CASA, an operator whose crew(s) operate under a CAR 217 training and checking organisation may operate that aircraft type at the lower category. When such an approval is granted, all company operations of the aircraft type must be in accordance with the requirements of the revised category. A/L 45 effective 24 NOV 05


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