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GEN 4.2 AIR NAVIGATION SERVICES CHARGES 1. 1.1 AIRCRAFT CHARGES Airservices Australia is responsible for the provision of airways facilities and services in Australia. The provision of airways facilities and services is managed on a commercial basis and Airservices levies flight-based charges to recover the cost associated with these facilities and services from aircraft operators. The Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS) is responsible for the recovery of the cost of noise amelioration programs through the mechanism of the Noise Levy Charge. The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) is responsible for the provision of aviation weather services and recovers the cost of these services from aircraft operators. To avoid duplication of administration and to assist customers in making payments, a single monthly invoice and/or statement covering Airservices’ charges, BoM charges and the Commonwealth Noise Levy is issued. This document sets out the basis on which charges are imposed. It also includes other related information which aims to assist customers in understanding the charging arrangements. Airways charges are administered in accordance with the legislation. This advice should be used by customers as a guide only. Details on unit rates of charge and other information are contained in the booklet entitled “Charges for Facilities and Services Standard Contract Terms” which can be obtained by contacting the Financial Services Centre, Airservices Australia. CHARGING SYSTEM Aviation charges: a. apply to all flights by an aircraft, both domestic (within an Australian flight information region) and international (to and from an Australian flight information region) except: (1) flights that are notified as maintenance or test flights; and (2) operational missed approaches; and b. include a discount at specified aerodromes for circuit training. GEN (GENERAL) A/L 45 effective 24 NOV 05



2. 2.1

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