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ENR 1.12 INTERCEPTION OF CIVIL AIRCRAFT 1. 1.1 1.1.1 PROCEDURES FOR AIRCRAFT OPERATING IN AN AIR DEFENCE IDENTIFICATION ZONE General The following general rules and procedures apply to enable identification of air traffic entering any designated Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) under the control of Australia. An ADIZ is airspace of defined dimensions within which identification of all aircraft is required. When a flight is intended to operate within an ADIZ, the pilot, unless exempted in accordance with para 1.1.4, must: a. lodge a flight notification covering flight within the ADIZ with the appropriate ATS unit at least 60 minutes before entry into the ADIZ; b. report position to ATS when passing each position reporting point within the ADIZ; c. report position to ATS at ADIZ boundary with a geographical reference (eg, 15NM east of ...) or, if the departure point is within 100NM of the ADIZ boundary, report departure; d. report departure if departing from a point in the ADIZ; e. maintain a continuous listening watch on the communications frequency of the appropriate ATS unit or on another frequency as directed until the flight is through the ADIZ; f. not deliberately deviate from tracks and altitudes filed in the flight plan unless prior ATC clearance is obtained, or, outside controlled airspace, notification is given to the appropriate ATS unit; and g. activate the aircraft transponder when within 100NM of the ADIZ and when operating within the ADIZ. 1.1.4 The following flights over Australia and its territorial waters are exempted from compliance with the requirements of para 1.1.3: a. a flight originating within a ADIZ which maintains a steady outbound track; b. a flight which remains within 10NM of the point of departure; c. aircraft performing published approach, holding or recovery procedures; and ENR (EN ROUTE) A/L 45 effective 24 NOV 05

1.1.2 1.1.3

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