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AIP United States of America

ENR 1.1−41 15 MAR 07 Adjust transponder to reply on the Mode A/3 code specified by ATC and, if equipped, to reply on Mode C with altitude reporting capability activated unless deactivation is directed by ATC or unless the installed aircraft equipment has not been tested and calibrated as required by 14 CFR Section 91.217. If deactivation is required by ATC, run off the altitude reporting feature of your transponder. An instruction by ATC to STOP ALTITUDE SQUAWK, ALTITUDE DIFFERS (number of feet) FEET," may be an indication that your transponder is transmitting incorrect altitude information or that you have an incorrect altimeter setting. While an incorrect altimeter setting has no effect on the Mode C altitude information transmitted by your transponder (transponders are preset at 29.92), it would cause you to fly at an actual altitude different from your assigned altitude. When a controller indicates that an altitude readout is invalid, the pilot should initiate a check to verify that the aircraft altimeter is set correctly. Pilots of aircraft with operating Mode C altitude reporting transponders should exact altitude/ flight level to the nearest hundred foot increment when establishing initial contact with an ATC. Exact altitude/flight level reports on initial contact provide ATC with information that is required prior to using Mode C altitude information for separation purposes. This will significantly reduce altitude verification requests. 37.7.4 Transponder IDENT Feature The transponder shall be operated only as specified by ATC. Activate the IDENT" feature only upon request of the ATC controller. 37.7.5 Code Changes When making routine code changes, pilots should avoid inadvertent selection of Codes 7500, 7600, or 7700 thereby causing momentary false alarms at automated ground facilities. For example when switching from Code 2700 to Code 7200, switch first to 2200 then 7200, NOT to 7700 and then 7200. This procedure applies to nondiscrete Code 7500 and all discrete codes in the 7600 and 7700 series (i.e., 7600−7677, 7700−7777) which will trigger special indicators in automated facilities. Only nondiscrete Code 7500 will be decoded as the hijack code.
Federal Aviation Administration Under no circumstances should a pilot of a civil aircraft operate the transponder on Code 7777. This code is reserved for military interceptor operations. Military pilots operating VFR or IFR within restricted/warning areas should adjust their transponders to Code 4000, unless another code has been assigned by ATC. 37.7.6 Mode C Transponder Requirements Specific details concerning requirements to carry and operate Mode C transponders, as well as exceptions and ATC authorized deviations from the requirements are found in 14 CFR Sections 91.215 and 99.12. In general, the CFR requires aircraft to be equipped with Mode C transponders when operating: a) At or above 10,000 feet MSL over the 48 contiguous states or the District of Columbia, excluding that airspace below 2,500 feet AGL. b) Within 30 miles of a Class B airspace primary airport, below 10,000 feet MSL. Balloons, gliders, and aircraft not equipped with an engine driven electrical system are excepted from the above requirements when operating below the floor of Class A airspace and/or; outside of Class B airspace and below the ceiling of the Class B airspace (or 10,000 feet MSL, whichever is lower). c) Within and above all Class C airspace up to 10,000 feet MSL. d) Within 10 miles of certain designated airports from the surface to 10,000 feet MSL, excluding that airspace which is both outside Class D airspace and below 1,200 feet AGL. Balloons, gliders and aircraft not equipped with an engine driven electrical system are excepted from this requirement. 14 CFR Section 99.12 requires all aircraft flying into, within, or across the contiguous U.S. ADIZ be equipped with a Mode C or Mode S transponder. Balloons, gliders, and aircraft not equipped with an engine driven electrical system are excepted from this requirement. Pilots shall ensure that their aircraft transponder is operating on an appropriate ATC assigned VFR/IFR code and Mode C when operating in such airspace. If in doubt about the operational status of either feature of your transponder while airborne, contact the nearest ATC facility or FSS and
Nineteenth Edition

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