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  • 上传作者:航空
  • 上传时间:2011-10-11
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文档路径主页 > 航空制造 > 发动机 > 普惠 Pratt & Whitney >

Contact: Patrick Louden Tel: (561) 796-6793 Web Site: www.pw.utc.com Pratt & Whitney Space Propulsion – Turbopumps Under contract with NASA, Pratt & Whitney provides and services three pairs of highpressure turbopumps for the Space Shuttle’s Main Engines (SSME) as key components of the upgraded Block II engine design on each of the orbiters. The small but powerful turbopumps use 76,000 horsepower to deliver liquid hydrogen and 26,800 horsepower to deliver liquid oxygen to the shuttle engine’s main combustion chamber for ignition. Pratt & Whitney’s turbopumps were derived from the company’s extensive experience in gas turbine engine development and feature fewer welds, a stronger integral shaft/disk and more robust bearings than their predecessors. When put into service, they provided NASA with a major improvement in durability, reliability and operational life. They also reduced maintenance, turnaround time and operating costs, as overhaul is required after an astounding 10 missions. The oxidizer turbopump was certified in March 1995 and performed its first mission in July 1995 (STS-70). The fuel turbopump gained certification in May 2000 and in July 2001 a single fuel turbopump flew successfully on STS-104. In April 2002, Space Shuttle Atlantis (STS-110) was the first orbiter to fly with all three fuel turbopumps, marking the first time the complete Pratt & Whitney power suite was flown. Characteristics Propellant Speed Discharge pressure (max) Flow Shaft horsepower Turbine inlet temperature Service Life Design Life Fuel Turbopump Liquid hydrogen 36,200 rpm 6,450 psi 164 lb/sec (17,600 gpm) 76,000 hp 2,000ºR 60 missions 240 missions Oxidizer Turbopump Liquid oxygen 23,700 rpm 7,500 psi 1,180 lb/sec (7,680 gpm) 26,800 hp 1,550ºR 60 missions 240 missions

飞行翻译公司 www.aviation.cn
标签自定义标签: 2003 status space
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