4. Fault Isolation _______________ A. If the POST FLIGHT REPORT gives the maintenance message ADM5 (19FP5)/ ADM4 (19FP4)/ ADIRU3 (1FP3): - do a visual check of the static probes. (1) If one static probe is damaged: - replace the defective static probe (Ref. AMM TASK 34-11-16-000-001) and (Ref. AMM TASK 34-11-16-400-002). (2) If the static probes are not damaged: - do the ADIRS start procedure (Ref. AMM TASK 34-10-00-860-002) - connect the ARINC Reader to the test connector 198VC on the panel 188VU and to the test connector 199VC on the panel 187VU (Ref. ASM 34-13/01) - compare the static ADM pressure read on these labels: ADIRU 1 199VC | 19FP5 LABEL 177 pins GG, HH | 19FP4 LABEL 176 | ADIRU 3 199VC | 19FP8 LABEL 245 pins y, z | (a) If one value is different: - replace the defective static pressure ADM (Ref. AMM TASK 34-1117-000-001) and (Ref. AMM TASK 34-11-17-400-001). (b) If the values are the same: - do the flushing of the static pressure line of the air data module (ADM 4 and ADM 5) (Ref. AMM TASK 34-10-00-170-002) - do the draining and flushing of the standby static and standby total pressure line of the air data module (Ref. AMM TASK 3410-00-170-003) - do the leak test of the main air data system (CAPT and F/O) (Ref. AMM TASK 34-13-00-790-002). B. After the subsequent flight, if the fault continues: - replace the ADM-L STATIC PRESSURE (19FP5) (Ref. AMM TASK 34-11-17-000001) and (Ref. AMM TASK 34-11-17-400-001). C. After the subsequent flight, if the fault continues: - replace the ADM-R STATIC PRESSURE (19FP4). D. After the subsequent flight, if the fault continues: - replace the ADM-STBY STATIC PRESSURE (19FP8).
EFF : 051-099, 106-149, 204-299, 301-399, 401-499, CES
∞ 34-11-00∞∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ Aug 01/05 ∞ Page 252
飞行翻译公司 www.aviation.cn 本文链接地址:A319 A320 A321 排故手册 TSM Trouble Shooting Manual 17_部分2.pdf
EFF : 051-099, 106-149, 204-299, 301-399, 401-499, CES
∞ 34-11-00∞∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ Aug 01/05 ∞ Page 252
飞行翻译公司 www.aviation.cn 本文链接地址:A319 A320 A321 排故手册 TSM Trouble Shooting Manual 17_部分2.pdf