Development of Δ Index for Fuel Vector
• Including all un-gauged usable fuel in the BEW of the airplane, including full manifold fuel:
– Simplifies fuel accounting on the loading schedule – Allows gauged fuel to match the fuel index tables
• Accounting for all un-gauged usable fuel in the reference fuel vector:
– Is slightly more complex – Can allow the operator to take credit for the presence of this fuel in determining required fuel load for a given flight – Un-gauged fuel would have to be added to the gauged fuel in order to properly use the fuel index tables
飞行翻译公司 本文链接地址:Weight and Balance Creation Part 1_部分4.pdf
• Including all un-gauged usable fuel in the BEW of the airplane, including full manifold fuel:
– Simplifies fuel accounting on the loading schedule – Allows gauged fuel to match the fuel index tables
• Accounting for all un-gauged usable fuel in the reference fuel vector:
– Is slightly more complex – Can allow the operator to take credit for the presence of this fuel in determining required fuel load for a given flight – Un-gauged fuel would have to be added to the gauged fuel in order to properly use the fuel index tables
飞行翻译公司 本文链接地址:Weight and Balance Creation Part 1_部分4.pdf