
RMIT飞行训练课件 27. RFT Compasses.pdf5页

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  • 上传作者:航空
  • 上传时间:2011-12-10
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RMIT Flight Training


Aim: To understand the principles and considerations of compass operations. Application: - Navigation flying - When DG fails Definitions:  Simple Bar Magnet - a magnet freely suspended horizontally will swing so as its axis points roughly north/ south.

 

Magnetic Field - Earth acts like a large weak magnet Magnetic Variation - the angular difference between the magnetic poles and true poles of the Earth. - Isogonal are lines that join places of same magnetic variation. - Agonic is the line that joins places of zero magnetic variation. Easy way to remember relationship: VARIATION WEST, MAGNETIC BEST VARIATION EAST, MAGNETIC LEAST

RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 1

Brief 27

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