
RMIT飞行训练课件 18.ADF操作 18. RFT ADF Operations.pdf5页

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  • 上传时间:2011-12-10
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RMIT Flight Training

ADF Operations

Aim: To learn the principles behind the operation of the ADF navigation system. Application: - orientation (where am I?). - supplementary navigation information. Definitions:  NDB - Non-Directional Beacon, is the ground radio transmitter that radiates energy in all directions.  ADF - Automatic Direction Finder, is the airborne receiver which when tuned, indicates the direction TO the NDB.  Locator - Low powered NDB used for approaches in conjunction with an ILS. Principles:  NDB - Operates on frequencies between 200Hz and 500 KHz (LF to MF radio range). - Primarily short distance navigation aids of usually < 200Nm. - Transmitter power is between 100 and 3000W with majority in the 100 to 500W range. - Greater the transmitter power, the greater the range. - Details found in ERSA and ERC charts; VTC, TAC and VNC. - The emitted wave has a Morse code identifier superimposed upon it, of 2 to 3 letters. - The carrier wave may Also contain voice/ ATIS information.

ADF - airborne equipment consists of three main components: 1. Antennae - loop antenna aligns itself perpendicular to the direction of the received signal. As it is a loop, two nulls are received - one removed 180 from the other. - to resolve the ambiguity the signal from the sense antenna is combined, to drive the loop (and hence the pointer) in the correct direction.

RMIT Instructor Rating Mass Briefs Issue 1 /2004 Page 1

Brief 18

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