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ETOPS Flight Operations Overview 飞行运行概述_部分1.pdf

CAT II/III APPROVAL PROCESS 3.8 3.8.1 AUTOLAND IN CAT I OR BETTER WEATHER CONDITIONS GENERAL Some operators may wish to perform automatic landings in CAT I or better weather conditions for training purpose or to record data for an operationa...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-11-27 13:12


Engine-Out Taxi (EOT).pdf

CAT II/III APPROVAL PROCESS 3.8 3.8.1 AUTOLAND IN CAT I OR BETTER WEATHER CONDITIONS GENERAL Some operators may wish to perform automatic landings in CAT I or better weather conditions for training purpose or to record data for an operationa...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-11-27 13:03



CAT II/III APPROVAL PROCESS 3.8 3.8.1 AUTOLAND IN CAT I OR BETTER WEATHER CONDITIONS GENERAL Some operators may wish to perform automatic landings in CAT I or better weather conditions for training purpose or to record data for an operationa...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-11-27 12:56


RNAV Training for ATC RNAV培训_部分4.pdf

CAT II/III APPROVAL PROCESS 3.8 3.8.1 AUTOLAND IN CAT I OR BETTER WEATHER CONDITIONS GENERAL Some operators may wish to perform automatic landings in CAT I or better weather conditions for training purpose or to record data for an operationa...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-11-27 12:38


RNAV Training for ATC RNAV培训_部分3.pdf

CAT II/III APPROVAL PROCESS 3.8 3.8.1 AUTOLAND IN CAT I OR BETTER WEATHER CONDITIONS GENERAL Some operators may wish to perform automatic landings in CAT I or better weather conditions for training purpose or to record data for an operationa...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-11-27 12:38


RNAV Training for ATC RNAV培训_部分2.pdf

CAT II/III APPROVAL PROCESS 3.8 3.8.1 AUTOLAND IN CAT I OR BETTER WEATHER CONDITIONS GENERAL Some operators may wish to perform automatic landings in CAT I or better weather conditions for training purpose or to record data for an operationa...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-11-27 12:38


RNAV Training for ATC RNAV培训_部分1.pdf

CAT II/III APPROVAL PROCESS 3.8 3.8.1 AUTOLAND IN CAT I OR BETTER WEATHER CONDITIONS GENERAL Some operators may wish to perform automatic landings in CAT I or better weather conditions for training purpose or to record data for an operationa...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-11-27 12:38


AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) Section 2, Required Navigation Performance (RNP).pdf

CAT II/III APPROVAL PROCESS 3.8 3.8.1 AUTOLAND IN CAT I OR BETTER WEATHER CONDITIONS GENERAL Some operators may wish to perform automatic landings in CAT I or better weather conditions for training purpose or to record data for an operationa...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-11-27 11:38


AREA NAVIGATION (RNAV) Section 1, General RNAV and GPS.pdf

CAT II/III APPROVAL PROCESS 3.8 3.8.1 AUTOLAND IN CAT I OR BETTER WEATHER CONDITIONS GENERAL Some operators may wish to perform automatic landings in CAT I or better weather conditions for training purpose or to record data for an operationa...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-11-27 11:38


7 ICAO PBN Implementation.pdf

14th Performance & Operations Conference Bangkok, 4-8 April 2005 Presented by: Lars KORNSTAEDT Group Manager A380 Aircraft Performance Fuel Temperature Prediction Program Operational Aspects...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-11-27 11:38

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