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文档路径主页 > 法规 > CAAC > 中国航行资料汇编CAIP > 机场 >

中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA

AD 1.1-1

AD 1. 机场-简介
AD 1.1 机场的可用性 1. 机场及相关设施使用的一般条件

General conditions under which aerodromes and

associated facilities are available for use

1.1 本部分包含所有可供国际飞行的航空 1.1 This section contains information on all aerodromes 器使用的机场资料。 which are available for international flight operations. 机场管理 中国民用航空总局及其派出机构-民航地 区管理局对中国民用机场实施行业管理。 1.2
1.2 Aerodromes administration

The civil aerodromes of China are professionally administered by the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China and its relevant regional administrations.




Conditions of Availability

1.3.1 除因紧急情况,必须在就近机场着陆 1.3.1 Except in emergency situations which warrant landing at 的航空器外,外国民用航空器应根据航空协定 a nearby aerodrome, a foreign civil aircraft shall land at a 或其它文件的规定在指定的机场着陆。
designated aerodrome in accordance with an air agreement or other documents.

1.3.2 除 非 确 在 紧 急 情 况 下 或 得 到 特 别 许 1.3.2 An aircraft is not permitted to land at aerodromes other 可,航空器不得在本航行资料汇编以外的机场 than those listed in this AIP, except in cases of real emergency or 着陆。 where special permission has been granted. 1.3.3 航空器起飞或者降落时,应当遵守中 1.3.3 When taking off from or landing at an aerodrome, an 国民用航空总局规定的机场最低运行标准。当 aircraft shall observe the aerodrome operating minima specified by 机场天气实况低于该标准时,航空器不得起飞 或者着陆。在紧急情况下如果航空器的机长决 定低于机场气象最低条件着陆,须对其决定和 由此产生的后果负完全责任。
the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China. No take-off or landing is allowed when weather conditions are below the minima. If, in the case of emergency, the pilot-in-command decides to land below weather minima, he will be held fully responsible for his decision and all the consequences arising therefrom.

1.3.4 在中华人民共和国境内的航路上或者 1.3.4 In case of hazardous weather that will endanger the 起飞、降落机场附近有威胁航空器飞行的危险 aircraft en-route or in the vicinity of an aerodrome of departure or 天气时,有关空中交通管制部门可以向航空器 landing within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the 的机长提出推迟起飞、返航或者飞往备降机场 的建议;航空器的机长对此类建议有最后的决 定权并对其决定负责。
relevant ATC unit may advise the pilot-in-command of the aircraft in the affected area to postpone departure, turn back or make a diversion to an alternate as appropriate. With respect to such kind of advices, the pilot-in-command, however, has the authority to

中国民用航空总局 CAAC


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