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  • 上传作者:航空
  • 上传时间:2011-03-20
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NATIONAL AIRSPACE SYSTEM (NAS) – STAGE 1A IMPLEMENTATION This letter introduces you to the third and final characteristic of Stage One implementation of the NAS. This final change, known as the “IFR Pick-up” procedure, will be introduced on Thursday 20 March 2003. As you would know, the first two NAS changes were implemented on 28 November 2002. The continuing safe and successful implementation of the NAS depends on the professional commitment of you, the pilots and air traffic controllers of Australia. The AIP SUP provides detailed information on the new procedure. CASA has prepared the accompanying educational material, which further describes the practical application of the new IFR Pick-up procedure. From Thursday 20 March 2003: If you have filed an IFR flight plan and you haven’t yet received a clearance to climb in Class E airspace, you can use the IFR Pick-up option to continue climbing through the Class E under Visual Flight Rules, while remaining in VMC. You will be given a mutual directed traffic information service just as you received in the Class G below. The objective of this change is to enable IFR aircraft to avoid being held at low level in Class G airspace while awaiting a clearance. The US-based system offers considerable improvement over our existing one, with its aims being simplicity, compliance with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) airspace classifications and allocation of ATC services according to assessed risk. Over its life, the NAS project will introduce significant and positive reform of Australia’s airspace architecture. There are more changes planned for Stages Two and Three, and you will receive further educational material prior to their introduction. More information on the project can be found on the NAS website at www.dotars.gov.au/airspacereform. The “What’s New” section gives details of recent changes and additions.

Mike Smith Executive Director NAS Implementation Group 30 January 2003

飞行翻译公司 www.aviation.cn
标签自定义标签: 1a.pdf letter
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