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  • 上传作者:航空
  • 上传时间:2011-03-20
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Class E Airspace Operations
Class E airspace is controlled airspace. A clearance is required for IFR operations but NOT for VFR operations. In Class E airspace, the following traffic services are provided by ATC: a. separation between IFR flights b. traffic information to IFR flights about known VFR flights as far as is practicable; and c. traffic information to radar identified VFR flights which are in receipt of a radar information service about other observed flights (AIP ENR 1.1 16.1.1) Under current practice (pre 20 March 2003), if the pilot of an IFR flight intends to enter Class E airspace an ATC, clearance is required to proceed from Class G airspace into Class E. The flight must remain outside Class E if the clearance is not available. The flight has only been able to proceed into Class E if the flight rules were changed to VFR. AIP SUP 6/03 introduces an additional new procedure for IFR flights that provides access into Class E airspace without a clearance while also providing a traffic information service. This is to be known as “IFR Pick-up”. Using this procedure, the pilot of an IFR planned flight will be required to maintain VFR to climb, or cruise, into Class E airspace in Visual Meteorological Conditions and receive a reduced level of service. This procedure will provide an operational option that avoids the necessity to maintain a low level cruise, or to orbit, in Class G airspace if traffic or other restrictions prevent or delay the issue of an ATC IFR clearance into Class E. With the introduction of this additional procedure, there are now three ways of operating in Class E airspace. IFR - current procedure A flight operating under the Instrument Flight Rules in Class G airspace, either in cruise or on climb after take-off, requires an ATC clearance if intending to proceed into Class E under the IFR. In this case a clearance must be obtained before entering the Class E. Under the IFR, the flight will receive the services specified in AIP ENR 1.1 16.1.1. If a clearance is not available, the flight must remain in Class G by diverting, orbiting or cruising below the base of the Class E at an appropriate IFR level.

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