
A319 A320 A321 飞机维护手册 AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual 25_部分6.pdf400页

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  • 上传时间:2011-11-19
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within plus or minus 90 deg. of the aircraft track, are painted with the warning color 100 per cent red. ____ NOTE : -Terrain may only be displayed on ND s when FCU mode ARC or ROSE is selected. -When an alert occurs (caution or warning) and the FCU mode is not in a correct mode (ARC or ROSE), the message TERR. CHANGE MODE is displayed on ND s. -When an alert occurs (caution or warning) and the FCU range selected is 160 or 320Nm the message TERR. REDUCE RANGE is displayed on ND s. (e) Terrain Data Base **ON A/C 105-105, (Ref. Fig. 016) **ON A/C 001-049, 051-099, 101-104, 151-199, 201-214, (Ref. Fig. 016A) **ON A/C 001-049, 051-099, 101-105, 151-199, 201-214, Local terrain processing extracts and formats local topographic terrain data from the Enhanced GPWS terrain data base for use by the terrain threat detection and display processing functions. This terrain data base divides the earth surface into grid sets referenced horizontally on the geographic (latitude/longitude) coordinate system of the WGS-84. Elements of the grid sets record the highest terrain altitude (above MSL) in that element respective area. Grid sets vary in resolution depending on geographic location. Higher resolution grids are used around airports. Lower resolution grids are used outside of airport areas where aircraft altitude enroute makes hazardous conditions unlikely and for which detailed terrain features are not important to the flight crew. Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are available for most of the airports around the world today. In cases where the data are not currently available, DEMs are generated in-house from available topographic maps, sectional charts, and airline approach plates. The process of acquiring, generating, assembling, and updating the data base is governed by strict configuration controls to ensure the highest level of data integrity. DEMs from external


EFF : 001-049, 051-099, 101-105, 151-199, 201-214, CES

34-48-00 Aug 01/05 Page A40 Config-1

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