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文档路径主页 > 法规 > CAAC > 中国航行资料汇编CAIP > 航路 >


ENR 1.2-1

1. 实施目视飞行时,航空器驾驶员必须 1. In visual flight, a pilot shall keep a vigilant watch. 加强空中观察。航空器应当与云保持一定的 Aircraft shall maintain a certain vertical and horizontal distances 水平距离和垂直距离。目视飞行时,航空器 from the clouds. When an aircraft is operating under VFR, the pilot 驾驶员对保持航空器之间的 间隔和航空器距 shall be responsible for the correct maintenance of separation 地面障碍物的安全高度是否正确负责。 between aircraft as well as the safe altitude of the aircraft from
ground obstacles.


航空器按照目视飞行规则飞行,包括 2.

Flights of aircraft in accordance with visual flight rules,

按照目视飞行规则在飞行高度 6 000 米(不 including transonic or supersonic flights in accordance with visual 含)以上和作跨音速或者超音速飞行,以及 flight rules above 6 000m (exclusive), and flights in accordance 飞行高度 3 000 米(不含)以下且指示空速大 with visual flight rules at an indicated airspeed greater than 于 450 千米/小时飞行时,应当经空中交通管 制部门批准。
450km/h below 3 000m (exclusive), are subject to approval by the air traffic control unit.

3. 航空器按照目视飞行规则飞行应当符 3. Aircraft operating under VFR shall meet the following 合以下气象条件:航空器与云的水平距离不 meteorological conditions: the horizontal distance and vertical 得小于 1 500 米,垂直距离不得小于 300 米; distance between aircraft and clouds shall not be less than 1 500m 高度 3 000 米(含)以上,能见度不得小于 8 千米,高度 3 000 米以下,能见度不得小于 5 千米。 4.
and 300m respectively; for flights at 3 000m or above, visibility shall not be less than 8km, while for flights below 3 000m visibility shall not be less than 5km.

目视飞行安全间隔 4. Visual flight safety separation 在同一航线、同一高度飞行时,巡航表 The separation between aircraft operating on the same track and at

速 250 千米/小时以下的航空器,航空器之间 same altitude shall not be less than: 的间隔不得小于 2 000 米,巡航表速 250 千米 a. 2 000m when aircraft cruising indicated airspeeds are less /小时(含)以上的航空器,航空器之间的间 than 250km/h; or 隔不得小于 5 000 米。
b. 5 000m when aircraft cruising indicated airspeeds are 250km/h or above.

5. 5.1



Traffic circuit

机场的起落航线通常为左航线;若因 5.1

An aerodrome traffic circuit is normally a left-hand one.

地形、城市等条件的限制,或者为避免同邻 It may, however, be a right-hand traffic circuit if it is constrained 近机场的起落航线交叉,也可以为右航线。 by the conditions of terrain or city location or if it is to avoid 进行起落航线飞行时,禁止超越同型航 crossing with the traffic circuit of adjacent aerodrome. 空器;各航空器之间的距离,一般应当保持 An aircraft on traffic circuit is forbidden to overtake another 在 1 500 米以上;经空中交通管制员许可,速 aircraft of the same type. Aircraft shall maintain a minimum 度大的航空器可以在第三转弯前超越速度小 separation of 1 500m between them on the same traffic circuit. 的航空器,超越时应当从前航空器的外侧超 However, aircraft of higher speed may, with the clearance of the air

中国民用航空总局 CAAC


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