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  • 上传作者:航空
  • 上传时间:2011-03-22
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Issue N°119. 31/05/10

Industry Monitor
The EUROCONTROL bulletin on air transport trends

European air traffic decreased by 11% in April due to ash cloud crisis, with more than 100,000 flights fewer than expected New joint European cell to deal with future air traffic crises Global recovery in premium traffic not yet visible in European market Aircraft manufacturers announce unchanged or reduced deliveries compared to last year Mostly small improvements in 2010Q1 operating losses for major European airlines Oil prices now down to around $70 per barrel

EUROCONTROL Statistics and Forecasts Other Statistics Passenger Airlines Manufacturer Airports Cargo Regulation Financial Results of Airlines Economy Fares Fares Oil

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EUROCONTROL Statistics and Forecasts
European traffic decreased by 11% in April on the same month of last year. The volcanic eruption significantly affected European traffic (see Figure 1) due to the airspace closures. Between 15 and 22 April, there were more than 100,000 flights fewer than expected. Worst affected were Ireland, UK and Finland with more than 80% reduction of traffic in 5 days. Despite a longer-disruption period, Iceland traffic was not the worst-affected State in Europe as it managed to maintain some traffic with North-America. Santa Maria (airspace of the Azores) was the only region with a net increase in flights (13 % in April, year-on-year). All other States saw at least a 15% decline in traffic over the period (EUROCONTROL STATFOR, ash cloud report to be published). Traffic outlook for 2010/2011 in Europe: • The number of IFR flights is predicted to remain quite stable: 0.8% (±2%) in 2010, • The outlook for 2011 is expected to be strongest: growth is forecast to be between 1.5% and 5.7%; with most likely case 3.7% (EUROCONTROL, 31 May) Preliminary data shows that the average delay per delayed flight (for departures) increased to 28 min in April up from 25 min in April 09 (see Figure 2). The April delay figure is stable compared to March figure. In April, 36% of the flights were delayed on departure (>5 min), a 3 percentage point increase compared to April 09 (EUROCONTROL, May).


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