
Takeoff and Departure Operations Understanding Takeoff Speeds.pdf8页

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  • 上传时间:2011-11-22
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Flight Operations Briefing Notes

Takeoff and Departure Operations Understanding Takeoff Speeds

Flight Operations Briefing Notes Takeoff and Departure Operations Understanding Takeoff Speeds


Pilots are used to calculating takeoff speeds and, therefore, understand the operational significance of V1, VR, and V2. However, they are slightly less familiar with the definitions of VMU, VMCG, and VMCA.. Takeoff speeds are a safety key element for takeoff, and enable pilot situational awareness and decision-making in this very dynamic situation. The use of erroneous takeoff speeds can lead to tail strikes, high-speed rejected takeoffs or initial climb with degraded performance. The objective of the following Flight Operations Briefing Notes is to provide, from an operational perspective, an overall review of takeoff speeds, and of the factors that affect the calculation and use of V speeds.


Background Information
This section is provided as a takeoff speeds refresher. However, additional information is also available in the Airbus “Getting to Grips with Aircraft Performance” brochure.

II.1 Control Speeds and associated Takeoff Speeds
The efficiency of such aerodynamic surfaces as the wings (for lift), the rudder, the ailerons, and the elevators, depends on adequate airflow speed. This airflow speed determines the minimum takeoff speeds.

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