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美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_286.pdf

CALLBACK CALLBACK From NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System Number 286 July 2003 When I finally saw the traffic, it was close off my left wing, about 300 feet below me. I was told by Tower that I had flown through the final approach cours...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:13


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_285.pdf

CALLBACK CALLBACK From NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System Number 281 February 2003 FMC - Getting Along with the Program The benefits of cockpit automation in the operation of complex aircraft have been well established. However, inciden...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:13


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_284.pdf

CALLBACK CALLBACK From NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System Number 281 February 2003 FMC - Getting Along with the Program The benefits of cockpit automation in the operation of complex aircraft have been well established. However, inciden...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:13


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_283.pdf

CALLBACK CALLBACK From NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System Number 281 February 2003 FMC - Getting Along with the Program The benefits of cockpit automation in the operation of complex aircraft have been well established. However, inciden...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:13


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_282.pdf

CALLBACK CALLBACK From NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System Number 281 February 2003 FMC - Getting Along with the Program The benefits of cockpit automation in the operation of complex aircraft have been well established. However, inciden...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:13


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_281.pdf

CALLBACK CALLBACK From NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System Number 281 February 2003 FMC - Getting Along with the Program The benefits of cockpit automation in the operation of complex aircraft have been well established. However, inciden...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:13


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_280.pdf

Number 276 August/September 2002 Tools of the Trade A safe and efficient flight is a testimony to the combined talents of air traffic controllers, maintenance personnel, flight attendants, and pilots, and to their use of all the “tools”...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:13


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_279.pdf

Number 276 August/September 2002 Tools of the Trade A safe and efficient flight is a testimony to the combined talents of air traffic controllers, maintenance personnel, flight attendants, and pilots, and to their use of all the “tools”...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:12


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_278.pdf

Number 276 August/September 2002 Tools of the Trade A safe and efficient flight is a testimony to the combined talents of air traffic controllers, maintenance personnel, flight attendants, and pilots, and to their use of all the “tools”...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:12


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_277.pdf

Number 276 August/September 2002 Tools of the Trade A safe and efficient flight is a testimony to the combined talents of air traffic controllers, maintenance personnel, flight attendants, and pilots, and to their use of all the “tools”...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:12

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