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美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_236.pdf

Number 236 February 1999 Where There’s Smoke… A special report issued by the Flight Safety Foundation in 1994 noted that “aircraft fires are rare, but their prospect is terrifying.” When such events do occur, crew and passengers ofte...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:09


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_235.pdf

Number 231 September 1998 Intersection Interactions Some recent ASRS reports show that runway transgressions are often the result of confusion about taxi instructions at runway/taxiway intersections. In a report from a corporate aircraft Fir...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:09


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_234.pdf

Number 231 September 1998 Intersection Interactions Some recent ASRS reports show that runway transgressions are often the result of confusion about taxi instructions at runway/taxiway intersections. In a report from a corporate aircraft Fir...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:09


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_233.pdf

Number 231 September 1998 Intersection Interactions Some recent ASRS reports show that runway transgressions are often the result of confusion about taxi instructions at runway/taxiway intersections. In a report from a corporate aircraft Fir...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:09


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_232.pdf

Number 231 September 1998 Intersection Interactions Some recent ASRS reports show that runway transgressions are often the result of confusion about taxi instructions at runway/taxiway intersections. In a report from a corporate aircraft Fir...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:08


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_231.pdf

Number 231 September 1998 Intersection Interactions Some recent ASRS reports show that runway transgressions are often the result of confusion about taxi instructions at runway/taxiway intersections. In a report from a corporate aircraft Fir...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:08


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_230.pdf

Number 226 April 1998 The Maladies of Spring Blossom by blossom the spring begins–and bursts forth into allergies, sniffles, and the last flushes of flu across the land. Several ASRS reporters affected by these and other seasonal maladies...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:08


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_229.pdf

Number 226 April 1998 The Maladies of Spring Blossom by blossom the spring begins–and bursts forth into allergies, sniffles, and the last flushes of flu across the land. Several ASRS reporters affected by these and other seasonal maladies...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:08


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_228.pdf

Number 226 April 1998 The Maladies of Spring Blossom by blossom the spring begins–and bursts forth into allergies, sniffles, and the last flushes of flu across the land. Several ASRS reporters affected by these and other seasonal maladies...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:08


美国ASRS安全公告CALLBACK cb_227.pdf

Number 226 April 1998 The Maladies of Spring Blossom by blossom the spring begins–and bursts forth into allergies, sniffles, and the last flushes of flu across the land. Several ASRS reporters affected by these and other seasonal maladies...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-10-18 14:08

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