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GEN TOC ENR TOC AD TOC Index ENR 2.2 OTHER REGULATED AIRSPACE 1. 1.1 1.1.1 OPERATIONS IN OCEANIC CONTROLLED AIRSPACE Clearance Requirements Aircraft not in receipt of an airways clearance in another FIR are required to obtain an airways clea...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-03-20 09:06



GEN TOC ENR TOC AD TOC Index ENR 2.2 OTHER REGULATED AIRSPACE 1. 1.1 1.1.1 OPERATIONS IN OCEANIC CONTROLLED AIRSPACE Clearance Requirements Aircraft not in receipt of an airways clearance in another FIR are required to obtain an airways clea...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-03-20 09:06



GEN TOC ENR TOC AD TOC Index ENR 2.2 OTHER REGULATED AIRSPACE 1. 1.1 1.1.1 OPERATIONS IN OCEANIC CONTROLLED AIRSPACE Clearance Requirements Aircraft not in receipt of an airways clearance in another FIR are required to obtain an airways clea...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-03-20 09:06



GEN TOC ENR TOC AD TOC Index ENR 2.2 OTHER REGULATED AIRSPACE 1. 1.1 1.1.1 OPERATIONS IN OCEANIC CONTROLLED AIRSPACE Clearance Requirements Aircraft not in receipt of an airways clearance in another FIR are required to obtain an airways clea...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-03-20 09:06



GEN TOC ENR TOC AD TOC Index GEN 1.7 DIFFERENCES FROM ICAO STANDARDS, RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES 1. The differences that exist between Australian national aviation regulations and those specified by the International Civil Aviation...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-03-20 09:06



GEN TOC ENR TOC AD TOC Index GEN 1.7 DIFFERENCES FROM ICAO STANDARDS, RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES 1. The differences that exist between Australian national aviation regulations and those specified by the International Civil Aviation...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-03-20 09:06



GEN TOC ENR TOC AD TOC Index GEN 1.7 DIFFERENCES FROM ICAO STANDARDS, RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES 1. The differences that exist between Australian national aviation regulations and those specified by the International Civil Aviation...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-03-20 09:06



GEN TOC ENR TOC AD TOC Index GEN 1.7 DIFFERENCES FROM ICAO STANDARDS, RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES 1. The differences that exist between Australian national aviation regulations and those specified by the International Civil Aviation...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-03-20 09:06



GEN TOC ENR TOC AD TOC Index GEN 1.7 DIFFERENCES FROM ICAO STANDARDS, RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES 1. The differences that exist between Australian national aviation regulations and those specified by the International Civil Aviation...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-03-20 09:06



GEN TOC ENR TOC AD TOC Index ENR 1.2 VISUAL FLIGHT RULES 1. 1.1 1.1.1 FLIGHT RULES The Visual Flight Rules (VFR) VFR flight may only be conducted: a. in VMC; b. provided that,when operating at or below 2,000FT above the ground or water, the...
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  • 上传人:航空

2011-03-20 09:06

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