APTL 考试部分题库
1、第 1 章法规 61 部可以参考商照仪表,121 部则要看透,我靠,121 部就几十页,俺没事就翻,翻它个 十遍八遍,这 13 分 1 分也别跑! 2、书要仔细看,因为题主要来源于书本,注意书上的图,仪表和性能的都有考,特别是性能,你漏了哪个 他就出现两个题,操,两分又没了! 3、重量和平衡有 12 分,而且不考计算,建议看看基本概念就 OK; 4、气象比重大,每个要点黑体斜体都要看了,搞清楚;其他几章都是概念,把原理搞清楚了,没什么大不 了的; 5、多做点题,把阅读速度搞上去。而且用电脑,这样可以用金山词霸屏幕取词随机翻译。俺刚做的时候, 一套两小时,后来就一小时搞定了,俺觉得现在流传的所谓题库好处是有限的,局方修改了题库了,俺们 如以偏击全,必败! 6、考试有时会有从来没有见过的题(俺有 10 来分) 。这时候别急,放到最后来搞,相信第一感觉,相信常 识,不要随意改动。 7、俺运气好点,过了,89 分,以上几点仅供参考,祝大家考试顺利。。 。 1.. Which flight conditions of a large jet airplane create the most severe flight hazard by generating wingtip vortices of the greatest strength? A. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps up. B. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps down. C. Heavy, fast, gear and flaps down. A X 2..In a decisionmaking process , a participatory leader A.allows each team member to have a say and to participate in team processes. B.tends to make all team decisions and controls all resources C.may ultimately decide the team's actions, but seldom takes into consideration the team members' experience, knowledge, and preferences. A X 3..The perception of color is a function of the A.cones on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting. B.rods on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting. C.cones on the retina and is diminished in bright lighting conditions. A X 4..Hypoxia may be caused by A.fly with a head cold B.breathing too quickly and/or too deeply for the requirements of the body C.flying at an altitude where the partial pressure of oxygen is too low C X 5.. (According to figure 4) at Shanghai, which description is correct A. The visibility is 800 meters, the sea level pressure is 996 hPa, B. The visibility is 8 kilometers, the QNH is 999.6 hPa, C. The visibility is 8 kilometers, the sea level pressure is 999.6 hPa, C X 6.At which speed will increasing the pitch attitude cause an airplane to climb? A.Low speed.
飞行翻译公司 www.aviation.cn 本文链接地址:APTL考试部分题库1.doc
1、第 1 章法规 61 部可以参考商照仪表,121 部则要看透,我靠,121 部就几十页,俺没事就翻,翻它个 十遍八遍,这 13 分 1 分也别跑! 2、书要仔细看,因为题主要来源于书本,注意书上的图,仪表和性能的都有考,特别是性能,你漏了哪个 他就出现两个题,操,两分又没了! 3、重量和平衡有 12 分,而且不考计算,建议看看基本概念就 OK; 4、气象比重大,每个要点黑体斜体都要看了,搞清楚;其他几章都是概念,把原理搞清楚了,没什么大不 了的; 5、多做点题,把阅读速度搞上去。而且用电脑,这样可以用金山词霸屏幕取词随机翻译。俺刚做的时候, 一套两小时,后来就一小时搞定了,俺觉得现在流传的所谓题库好处是有限的,局方修改了题库了,俺们 如以偏击全,必败! 6、考试有时会有从来没有见过的题(俺有 10 来分) 。这时候别急,放到最后来搞,相信第一感觉,相信常 识,不要随意改动。 7、俺运气好点,过了,89 分,以上几点仅供参考,祝大家考试顺利。。 。 1.. Which flight conditions of a large jet airplane create the most severe flight hazard by generating wingtip vortices of the greatest strength? A. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps up. B. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps down. C. Heavy, fast, gear and flaps down. A X 2..In a decisionmaking process , a participatory leader A.allows each team member to have a say and to participate in team processes. B.tends to make all team decisions and controls all resources C.may ultimately decide the team's actions, but seldom takes into consideration the team members' experience, knowledge, and preferences. A X 3..The perception of color is a function of the A.cones on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting. B.rods on the retina and is diminished in dim ambient lighting. C.cones on the retina and is diminished in bright lighting conditions. A X 4..Hypoxia may be caused by A.fly with a head cold B.breathing too quickly and/or too deeply for the requirements of the body C.flying at an altitude where the partial pressure of oxygen is too low C X 5.. (According to figure 4) at Shanghai, which description is correct A. The visibility is 800 meters, the sea level pressure is 996 hPa, B. The visibility is 8 kilometers, the QNH is 999.6 hPa, C. The visibility is 8 kilometers, the sea level pressure is 999.6 hPa, C X 6.At which speed will increasing the pitch attitude cause an airplane to climb? A.Low speed.
飞行翻译公司 www.aviation.cn 本文链接地址:APTL考试部分题库1.doc