736 题 目 : what is som e characteristic of an airplane loaded with the CG at the af t lim it? A: Lowest stall speed, highest cruise speed and least stability B: Highest stall speed, highest cruise speed and least stability C: Lowest stall speed; lowest cruise speed and highest stability 737 题 目 : When flying ov er the nim bostratus clouds, the pilot finds that there are uptowering clouds on the thick layer. Top of the towering clouds extends to 9000 m eters high and are blown to one side by the strong wind lik e horse's mane. B ased on this situation, he predicts that there m ust be__in the sheet clouds. A: cum ulonim bus clouds B: altocum ulus clouds C: f alse cirrus clouds 738 题 目 : A pilot of a turbinepowered airplane should climb as rapidly as practicable af ter tak ing off to what altitude? A: 1,000 f eet AGL. B: 1,500 f eet AGL. C: 5,000 f eet AGL. 739 题 目 : (Ref er to Figure 65) What is the MAA on the airway A461 between ZHOUKOU and WEIXIAN? A: FL 29,500 f eet. B: FL 8,100 f eet. C: FL 39,400 f eet. 740 题 目 : How should thrust rev ersers be applied to reduce landing distance f or trubojet aircraft? A: Imm ediately af ter ground contact. B: Imm ediately prior to touchdown. C: Af ter applying m axim um wheel brak ing. 741 题 目 : Which statem ent below is incorrect regarding the auto throttle? A: It can be engaged during VNAV operations B: It can be engaged in N1 and SPD m odes C: A/T operates whenev er a MCP F D m ode is selected, irrespective of the A/T switch position 742 目 : (Ref er to F igure 61) At what point m ust the m issed approach be initiated on the VOR/DME Rwy 36R at CAPITAL, if still IMC? A: D 0.3 PEK B: Above PEK VOR C: D 0.2 PEK. 743 题 目 : What is the prim ary cause of all changes in the Earth's weather? A: change in air pressure ov er Earth's surf ace; B: Variation of solar energy at surface; C: Mov em ent of air m ass f rom m oist areas to dry areas. 744 题 目 : Where do squall lines m ost of ten develop? A: in an occluded front B: ahead of a cold f ront
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