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中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA GEN 1.7 与国际民用航空组织标准、建议措施和程序的差异 DIFFERENCES FROM ICAO STANDARDS, RECOMMENDED PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES 附件 2 — 《空中规则》 Annex 2 — Rules of the Air

GEN 1.7-1

两机在同一高度上对头相遇,应当各自向右避让,相互保持 500 米以上的间隔;两机 在同一高度交叉相遇,航空器驾驶员从座舱左侧看到另一架航空器时应当下降高度, 从座舱右侧看到另一架航空器时应当上升高度;在同一高度上超越前面航空器,应当 从前面航空器右侧保持 500 米以上的间隔进行。
When two aircraft are approaching head-on at the same level, each shall alter its course to the right, maintaining a separation of 500m or more between them. When two aircraft are converging at the same level, the pilot who sees from the cockpit the other aircraft on his left shall descend, while the pilot who sees the other aircraft on his right shall ascend. Overtaking preceding aircraft at the same level shall be made at a lateral distance of 500m or more to the right side of the aircraft being overtaken.

航空器应当按照指定路线滑行。航空器对头相遇,应当各自靠右侧滑行,并且保持必 要的安全间隔;航空器交叉相遇,航空器驾驶员从座舱左侧看到另一架航空器时应当 停止滑行,主动避让。
Aircraft shall taxi along the assigned taxiing route. When two aircraft are approaching head-on, each shall keep to the right and maintain the required safe separation. When two aircraft are crossing, the pilot who sees the other aircraft on his left shall stop taxiing and give way to the other.


All flights are required to submit a flight plan to the appropriate air traffic services unit.

所有的空域为管制空域,因此不存在“离开管制空域”或“离开需要空中交通管制指 令的空域”;目前尚没有规定机场附近的“特殊的 VFR 飞行”规则。
All airspace is controlled airspace, therefore there is no question of ‘ leaving the controlled airspace’or ‘ leaving the airspace within which an ATC clearance is required’ No rules on special VFR flights near an . aerodrome have been established at present.


Airspace is not divided into controlled airspace and uncontrolled airspace; Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) are dictated by the speeds of aircraft.


机场塔台管制区域内目视飞行巡航表速 250 千米/小时以下的航空器可在距离最高障碍 物的真实高度不低于 100 米的高度飞行。
An aircraft operating within an aerodrome tower control area with a cruising speed of 250km/h or less may fly at an altitude with a vertical clearance of not less than 100m above the highest obstacle.

4.7 附录 2 Appendix 2

未规定 VFR 巡航高度层。
VFR cruising levels are pending.

附加规定:被强迫降落的民用航空器,只有得到中国民用航空总局的许可,才能继续 飞行。
Additional rule: An aircraft which has been forced to make a landing may continue its flight only after a clearance has been obtained from the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China.

中国民用航空总局 CAAC


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