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中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA GEN 1.2 航空器的入境、过境和出境 GEN 1.2






1.1 外国民用航空器根据其 国籍登记国政 1.1 A foreign civil aircraft may enter or leave the airspace of 府与中华人民共和国政府签订的协定、协议的 the People’ Republic of China, and operate or land in the territory s 规定,或者经中国民用航空总局批准或者接 of the People’ Republic of China only in accordance with the air s 受,方可飞入、飞出中华人民共和国领空和在 transport agreement concluded between the Government of the 中华人民共和国境内飞行、降落。 People’ Republic of China and the government of the State in s
which the aircraft nationality is registered, or in accordance with the approval or clearance of the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China.

1.2 在中华人民共和国境内飞行的航空器, 必须具有国籍标志和登记标志。没有国籍标志 和登记标志的航空器, 禁止在中华人民共和国 境内飞行。


An aircraft operating in the territory of the People's

Republic of China shall bear its nationality and registration marks. No aircraft without nationality and registration marks shall fly within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

1.3 外国民用航空器国籍登记国发给或者 1.3 The civil aircraft certificates of airworthiness and 核准的民用航空器适航证书、机组人员合格证 certificates of competency and licenses of crew members issued or 书和执照,中华人民共和国政府承认其有效; checked and approved by the State in which the nationality of a 但是,发给或者核准此项证书或者执照的要 foreign civil aircraft is registered, are recognized as valid by the 求,应当等于或者高于国际民用航空组织制定 Government of the People’ Republic of China, provided that the s 的最低标准。 requirements under which such certificates or licenses were issued
or rendered valid shall be equal to or above the minimum standards established by the International Civil Aviation Organization.

1.4 在中华人民共和国领域内,外国民用 1.4 In the territory of the People's Republic of China, a 航空器必须按照规定的航路飞行,在指定的机 foreign civil aircraft is required to fly along the specified air routes, 场起飞和降落。外国民用航空器必须在指定的 take off and land at the designated airports. It shall establish a 无线电频率上与中华人民共和国有关空中交通 管制单位联络并接受管制。
contact with the relevant ATC unit of the People's Republic of China on the assigned radio frequencies and accept the control thereof.

1.5 除 因 天 气 或 者 其 它 无 法 控 制 的 原 因 1.5 All foreign civil aircraft shall operate in accordance with 外,任何外国民用航空器都应当按照中国民用 the flight schedules or flight plans approved by the competent 航空总局有关主管部门批准的班期时刻或者批 准的计划飞行。外国民用航空器的飞行如果因 故延误或者取消,应当及时通知中国民用航空 总局有关主管部门; 如需改变班期时刻或者飞
authorities of the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China, except for weather or other reasons beyond control.¥ When the flight is delayed or cancelled for some reasons, it is required to duly advise the competent authorities of the General

中国民用航空总局 CAAC


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