- 39-1155 检查发动机吊舱的9 号和10 号肋之间的下吊架梁 CAD1994-A300-05.pdf
- 39-1480 碳粉检查起落架刹车组件,安装扭力管防热层CAD1995-340B-06.pdf
- CCAR-276 中国民用航空危险品运输管理规定.pdf
- 39-3191 空速指示-结冰状况下的空速偏差(ATA34) CAD2001-MULT-20.pdf
- 39-4185 检查燃油低压关断活门CAD2003-A340-15.pdf
- 39-2277 安装EDP 电门按扭保护盖CAD1997-A340-13R2.pdf
- AD_ZBLA.pdf
- 39-1001 检查旋翼主传动轴 CAD1993-S365-04.pdf
- 39-2298 发动机主减速齿轮箱耦合轴CAD1998-A332-07.pdf
- 39-1439 更换外侧发动机的伺服型活门壳体组件CAD1995-C130-05.pdf
中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA ENR 2.2.2 广州管制区、广州进近管制区和 珠海终端管制区飞行规定 ENR 2.2-41 ENR 2.2.2 Rules relating to flights within Guangzhou control area, Guangzhou approach control area and Zhuha...
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- 上传人:航空
2011-03-17 15:37
中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA ENR 2.2.2 广州管制区、广州进近管制区和 珠海终端管制区飞行规定 ENR 2.2-41 ENR 2.2.2 Rules relating to flights within Guangzhou control area, Guangzhou approach control area and Zhuha...
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- 上传人:航空
2011-03-17 15:37
中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA ENR 2.2.2 广州管制区、广州进近管制区和 珠海终端管制区飞行规定 ENR 2.2-41 ENR 2.2.2 Rules relating to flights within Guangzhou control area, Guangzhou approach control area and Zhuha...
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- 上传人:航空
2011-03-17 15:37
中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA ENR 2.2.2 广州管制区、广州进近管制区和 珠海终端管制区飞行规定 ENR 2.2-41 ENR 2.2.2 Rules relating to flights within Guangzhou control area, Guangzhou approach control area and Zhuha...
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- 上传人:航空
2011-03-17 15:37
中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA ENR 2.2.2 广州管制区、广州进近管制区和 珠海终端管制区飞行规定 ENR 2.2-41 ENR 2.2.2 Rules relating to flights within Guangzhou control area, Guangzhou approach control area and Zhuha...
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- 上传人:航空
2011-03-17 15:37
中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA ENR 1.13 非法干扰 ENR 1.13-1 ENR 1.13 UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE 1. 航空器在飞行中遭遇非法干扰时,航 1. The pilot of an aircraft that is being subjected to 空器驾驶员应将情况通知空中...
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- 上传人:航空
2011-03-17 15:37
中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA ENR 1.13 非法干扰 ENR 1.13-1 ENR 1.13 UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE 1. 航空器在飞行中遭遇非法干扰时,航 1. The pilot of an aircraft that is being subjected to 空器驾驶员应将情况通知空中...
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- 上传人:航空
2011-03-17 15:37
中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA ENR 1.13 非法干扰 ENR 1.13-1 ENR 1.13 UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE 1. 航空器在飞行中遭遇非法干扰时,航 1. The pilot of an aircraft that is being subjected to 空器驾驶员应将情况通知空中...
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- 上传人:航空
2011-03-17 15:37
中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA ENR 1.13 非法干扰 ENR 1.13-1 ENR 1.13 UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE 1. 航空器在飞行中遭遇非法干扰时,航 1. The pilot of an aircraft that is being subjected to 空器驾驶员应将情况通知空中...
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- 上传人:航空
2011-03-17 15:37
中国航行资料汇编 AIP CHINA ENR 1.13 非法干扰 ENR 1.13-1 ENR 1.13 UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE 1. 航空器在飞行中遭遇非法干扰时,航 1. The pilot of an aircraft that is being subjected to 空器驾驶员应将情况通知空中...
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- 上传人:航空
2011-03-17 15:37